Year 6

6B - Mrs Beard


In 6B we aim to be good role models for the rest of the school and lead by example.  We will be respectful towards everybody within our school community and ensure we represent the school appropriately both in and around the community. We will endeavour to always follow the school rules and adhere to the core values at all times; working hard and having high standards in every aspect of school life.


Class Target:  To show maturity when on the playground playing, taking turns fairly and listening to others during games. When both break and lunchtime sessions are incident free, we will earn a marble. When the jar is full, we will be rewarded with a fun afternoon. 

Class Champion: Michal | Health and Safety Monitor: Kian  | Eco-Warrior: Luke

PE Days: Wednesdays & Fridays


6CW - Mrs Chatfield

6CW - Miss Wallin



In 6CW, we are kind, respectful and we listen to our teachers and our peers. We work hard and will endeavor to complete all homework, reading and quick 5s. We will help our peers and be fair to all. As year 6 students, we will be role models for our younger peers. We are positive members of our school and will cheer each other up if needed. We will always try to come to school with a smile.


Class Target:  Our class target is to stay on task during all lessons. If our teacher awards us with a green Excellent Behaviour sticker at the end of the lesson, we will add a marble to a jar. If we fill the jar by the end of the term, we will be rewarded with a fun afternoon of our choice.

Class Champion: Ebube | Health and Safety Monitor: Jessica  | Eco-Warrior: Freddie

PE Days: Wednesdays & Fridays


Learning Overviews

Autumn Term 1