Chair's Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,

This time last year we were all crossing our fingers that this year would bring back some normality to our school life. Thankfully it did and apart from one or two hiccups along the way, familiar routines for the children, parents/carers and staff returned to Kenningtons. The Governors’ End of Year Report for 2021/22 talks about ‘getting back to normal’ and I think there’s a realisation and an appreciation of some of the things the children missed during COVID restrictions. The end of the year though was celebrated in style with the Global Fest on the Field – what a fantastic show the children gave us! Congratulations to them and to the staff who made it happen.

For the first time since 2019, SATs took place. We are delighted to be able to report to you the excellent results achieved (please see our End of Year Report). With teaching and learning being severely disrupted from March 2020, the children had to make up for lost time. A decision was made that during this year, priority would be given to the core subjects of reading, writing and maths. That decision has paid off. We thank teachers and all other staff who have all put in a lot of effort and hard work to ensure that the children enjoy their time at Kenningtons and achieve success across all subjects and activities. The school is ambitious for all children and that is driven by the Headteacher, Mrs Sawtell-Haynes. We are fortunate to have a Headteacher who, along with Mrs Clarke, the Deputy Headteacher, have led the school through these challenging years and continue to be dedicated to deliver for the children at Kenningtons.

Now we want to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. Many of you have given lots of positive feedback – teachers and staff really do appreciate your comments. We have a great community of parents and carers and this couldn’t be better demonstrated than by the wonderful response earlier this year from you, to help the people of Ukraine with donations of basic everyday items like toiletries, nappies etc. Let’s hope that sometime soon there will be peace and the people of Ukraine will be able to return to their homes.

So, at the end of the school year there are always the Year 6 children who will be leaving us and moving on to their secondary school – we wish them success. We also have to say goodbye to some members staff who will be moving on – we thank them for their hard work and wish them luck in their new roles.

Finally, we hope you all have a good summer – albeit not quite as hot as we experienced recently – and look forward to seeing many of you in September for another successful year at Kenningtons Primary.


Mrs Sarah Sayers, Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Governing Body